Most Trusted Iyer Matrimony & Matrimonial Service

About Iyer Matrimony

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Your search for love and marriage within the Iyer community ends here.

One of the most prominent communities residing in Tamil Nadu and other southern states, the Iyers are typically Tamil-speaking Hindu Brahmins. Their cultural nuances include a staunch following of the Advaita philosophy by Adi Shankara. The Iyers are also bound to the sacred Smarta tradition.

Iyer matrimony is a popular choice for young eligible bachelors and bachelorettes looking to settle down with someone like-minded within the community. Today, many Iyer youth hail from modern, educated and well-respected families that place a lot of emphasis on ingraining modern values without giving up on tradition.VMany eligible Iyer profiles are from pan-India locations, as many Iyer brides and grooms work in attractive jobs across various metro cities. Many of them are also settled abroad, often with lucrative jobs. As for their preferences, someone who has good educational qualifications, a progressive outlook, value for independence, and a caring, sweet nature is almost always a priority for most. That makes Iyer matrimony a good opportunity for two good natured individuals to bond and unite their families for a lifetime of prosperity, joy, and happiness!

SH40858674's profile pic


35 yrs, 5' 1"", Hindu, Brahmin - Iyer, West New York

SH29630668's profile pic


39 yrs, 5' 5"", Hindu, Brahmin - Iyer, Bengaluru

SH87855339's profile pic


27 yrs, 5' 4"", Hindu, Brahmin - Iyer, Mississauga

SH91486303's profile pic


30 yrs, 5' 0"", Hindu, Brahmin - Iyer, Atlanta

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